There are a lot of individuals that would love to go into the design industry. Some have all the skills and experience necessary to do this, while oth
Author: craig
There are not too many careers that one can enter into that doesn’t require a certain level of education and different types of degrees. However, one
When taking on the design of a web page, it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of it. A news page, for example, will need to look a lot different than a website for kids. Everything about the site,…
A successful website is made up of two major components which are graphic design and content. The two work hand-in-hand. If one is weak, then it has a
Designers play a critical role in the success of any website they are designing. There are a lot more components to a website then what the layperson
There has been a lot of talk about net neutrality, and it is raising concerns in many different industries. The Internet is a viable resource and comm
Don’t make a mistake of being caught up in the aesthetic aspects of web design when designing an e-Commerce website. Even though aesthetics is also important, remember the design should focus on branding and building trust. Since the purpose of…
There are many different fields to design. Web design is critically important based on the technology that is used both in the business and private se
Graphic design and television
In general, most people would not consider graphic design and television of having any link. Yet, all one has to do is g
Visual Communication
The designer has many different tools and resources at their disposal to help them with their task of Web design. They have many