Earning a Design Degree

There are a lot of designers offering their services on the Internet. Many have started their own business as a result of being self-taught. Then, the

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There are a lot of individuals that would love to go into the design industry. Some have all the skills and experience necessary to do this, while oth

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There are not too many careers that one can enter into that doesn’t require a certain level of education and different types of degrees. However, one

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Effective Web Design

When taking on the design of a web page, it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of it. A news page, for example, will need to look a lot different than a website for kids. Everything about the site, from the background color to the graphics, even the text size and font, should work […]

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Don’t make a mistake of being caught up in the aesthetic aspects of web design when designing an e-Commerce website. Even though aesthetics is also important, remember the design should focus on branding and building trust. Since the purpose of an e-Commerce website is to make sales, don’t let pride come before profit. Take into […]

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How to Become a Designer

Many go into the field of web designing because they have been intrigued by what they see on the web. Some have had the opportunity to see sites that

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If you have a desire to start your own business, and this is combined with a desire for it to be a web design entity, then you are going to need a cer

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