Effective Web Design

When taking on the design of a web page, it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of it. A news page, for example, will need to look a lot different than a website for kids. Everything about the site, from the background color to the graphics, even the text size and font, should work together to get the intended message across.

Make It Work

To be a web designer, you need an eye for what looks good, and what doesn’t. A good understanding of color theory is necessary, for one thing. No one wants to use a website where the colors are terribly clashing, or where the text is so close to the background color that it’s unreadable. The website also shouldn’t be too crowded or conversely, have too much white space, unless the site is supposed to be minimalist.

Arguably even more important than how the website looks is how well it works. No matter how well put together your site looks, it doesn’t matter a bit if the user can’t access the pages or click the buttons. A lot of testing is necessary to make sure that there are no bugs before finally publishing the website. It’s a good idea to get multiple different people to test the website since one person might find a bug that another would have missed.

Get the Job Done

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing and bug-free, a website also needs to be designed based on what its purpose is. As an example, a site promoting an app such as kry.care primarily needs to summarize what the app can do, and include a link to where the app can be downloaded. It could also contain reviews or ratings of the app or screenshots of it in use. It doesn’t need to have many pages – usually just one or two will be enough.

On the other hand, a college website will be much more complicated. It will need multiple different pages, some of which will even link to other pages since there is lots of information that needs to be covered. It will also need links to things like the student handbook and the course list, which are usually in PDF form.

It’s also important to look at the website from the perspective of the user. There are many different ways to optimize a site for users. For example, someone browsing a website usually wants to read as little text as possible, so the whole point of the website should be made concisely. It should also be easy to navigate, and it should be evident in the link title what each page is for.

Designing a website is indeed not an easy job. There’s a lot that goes into it, and many skills that are needed to make everything come together nicely. With that knowledge, it’s no wonder the web design profession is so necessary in the technology-filled world of today.